"One of the signs of something profound is found when the complex is made simple. Dan Hayne, in Keys to Your Future does just that. Here are practical Keys to unlock your destiny and become a deeply spiritual person. If you are hungry to get closer to God, this is a good place to start."
John Paul Jackson Streams Ministries International
"Dan Hayne’s words are so anointed, I had to keep reminding myself that my role was to edit the content, not to be swept away by it. The Scripture that I feel best describes the author and his message is James 3:17, But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Even a casual glance at this book has the potential to take you to a deep place in your soul, so don’t pick it up unless you are serious about drawing closer to God. On second thought, go ahead and get it for his anecdotes. You won’t want to miss them."